It occurred to me this afternoon: “Hey, I have a Twitter account! It’s been at least three days since I told the world about the details of my lunch!”  I’d written some nonsense and was scrolling through my follow-ees when I saw a link to a post by the Pioneer Woman to her series on creating a successful blog.  I enjoy success, so I thought I’d check it out.  Imagine my dismay at rule #5: No F-bombs.  Because “it takes more literary creativity to write something interesting without including the f-bomb.” **

Well. Huh.

(This ties into awesome shit, I promise.) (She said nothing about the S-word, so I assume I can still be successful following this post.)

I figured that while I wallow in my own lack of imagination and facility with the English language, I should have dishware to match.

All plates handpainted on vintage dishware with care by Etsy seller Trxie Delicious at her shop, Vandalized Vintage (home to much more awesome shit).  I find that her lack of artistic creativity matches my own lack of literary creativity.

Note: I disapprove of the “retard” plate.

**Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, and I don’t want to start any Pioneer Woman-bashing.  So don’t.